grant associates monogram
11th Jul 2024

"Landscape architects in the 21st Century are healers"

Andrew Grant RDI, founder of Grant Associates, has delivered the keynote address at the 100th RSA Student Design Awards.

In introducing the prestigious awards, Andrew reflected on his own design journey, from student days to acclaimed international projects, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and cultural sensitivity.

He talked about the importance of connecting people to nature and showed how over the years he has developed a language of drawing that approaches projects in an integrated way, combining systems, beauty and emotions to deliver exceptional nature-based experiences.

RSA Student Design Awards

Some of the ground-breaking projects Andrew showcased included The Earth Centre in Conisborough, the British Pavilion Garden at the 2005 Japan Expo, Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, The Tower of London Superbloom and more recently Terminal 2 at Kempegowda International Airport in Bengalaru.

Summing up his talk, Andrew said we are at a crucial moment in terms of changing the way we respond to our world, and the landscape architecture plays a pivotal role in this:

“Landscape architects in the 21st Century are healers. They imagine and develop new pathways, devices and practices to reset the future where Earth is shared equally between humanity and nature.”

The RSA Student Design Awards is a global open innovation competition that's been running since 1924. It challenges students and recent graduates to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic challenges and propose creative solutions that can shift the system and shape the future.

To review a recording of the awards event, click below (Andrew's keynote address from 25.00)