University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
Our ambitious campus masterplan sets out The University of Sheffield’s pioneering plans over the next 10-15 years to create a unified, sustainable and green campus.
The aim is to enhance the environment for students, staff, visitors and the wider community, and to build on the Council’s City Centre Master Plan to integrate the University seamlessly with the rest of the city.
The Masterplan is underpinned by a landscape led approach to create a legible and coherent public realm – a seamless thread of streets, squares, gardens and spaces – that will help to link together the east and west city campus, and reveal the physical, cultural and lifestyle aspects of the University. The aim is to transform the city campus to a pedestrian and cycle friendly space whilst connecting the historical elements of the university.
As well as working on the Masterplan, we designed and delivered the £8.5m first phase of the landscape and public realm strategy, which included the creation of a series of new public spaces and improved streetscape, as well as an extension of Sheffield’s Gold Route. The public realm improvements were a joint venture between Sheffield City Council and the University, and the design team collaborated closely with the City Council officers throughout the design, consultation and implementation process.
A series of bespoke planter tables were created in collaboration with Sheffield artist David Appleyard, providing an innovative solution to planting that would otherwise be unachievable due to the high volume of underground services running along the street. The ‘Plantables’ offer a place for staff, students, visitors and members of the public to socialise, work, rest and share ideas. Extensive Rain Gardens were introduced increasing opportunities for biodiversity and providing a SuDS solution to surface water drainage.
We want to encourage the people of Sheffield to enjoy and use our campus whether it’s to have lunch in one of our cafes, cycle through the campus area up to Weston Park, or just enjoy sitting and relaxing in one of the new greener, safer places that has been created through this development.
Keith Lilley: Director of Estates and Facilities Management, University of Sheffield
Project Info
- Client:
- The University of Sheffield and Sheffield City Council
- Project Manager:
- Faithful + Gould
- Transport Engineer:
- AECOM and Sheffield City Council Highways
- Quantity Surveyor:
- Faithful + Gould
- Contractor:
- North Midland Construction