Somerset, UK
Icon is a unique development of 400 new homes on the former site of the Clarks Shoe Factory in the Somerset village of Street. Working alongside Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, we designed the masterplan for the 10 hectare site, and delivery of the detail design for Phase 1 Lime Tree Court. Our vision was to create a harmonious ‘shared space’ environment to create a strong sense of place and belonging.

Design details:
- Semi-private garden streets, mews and courtyards
- A central 600m sustainable reed bed drainage system
- Formal avenues, wild habitat area, landscape zones and a village green
- Large linear park and pocket parks throughout
- Ponds and reed beds to reflect the local Somerset levels
- Attractive and productive orchards and herb gardens
- Equal rights for cars, pedestrians and cyclists in a calmed environment
- Street art including a shoe tree, sculptures and topiary
- Door stop detailing for an integrated streetscape

Living in a housing scheme which has been well designed adds to quality of life. Good design can provide opportunities for social interaction, opportunities to get outside and do things, opportunities for children to enjoy their environment and an uplifting place to come home to. It also helps to know that in tough times it will hold its value better than a badly designed scheme.
Wayne Hemingway MBE, Chair of the Building for Life, 2013
- Landscape Institute Awards
- Best Medium Scale Private Development
- Civic Trust Awards
- Commended
- Housing Awards
- Overall winner
- CABE Building for Life Standards
- Gold Award
Project Info
- Client:
- C&J Clark Properties, Crest Nicholson
- Architect:
- Fielden Clegg Bradley Studios
- Engineer:
- Arup
- Quantity Surveyor:
- Gleeds