Xujing Fan Website

Xujing Fan

BA (Hons), MA
Graduate Landscape Architect

Xujing is fascinated by the complexity of the landscape. A landscape is a perfect blend of nature, space and people, and is rich in knowledge of aesthetics, ecology and engineering. She is drawn to the process of coming up with different strategies for different projects, discovering and enhancing highlights and finding the best solutions. Art and travel are often sources of inspiration for Xujing, and it has helped her to stay curious about the world, to keep exploring and to think more.

Her knowledge from university has helped Xujing develop a basic understanding of landscape architecture and has given her a great deal of enthusiasm. She enjoyed learning about ecological landscape design and botany, in which she hopes she can build on more within her role of Grant Associates.

Since joining Grant Associates, Xujing has primarily focus been working on two projects; Capital Park Cambridge and Typhoo Wharf. Capital Park Cambridge has allowed her to gain experience working on a project with extensive local history as well as learning more about the rich flora in the area. Whereas her time on Typhoo Wharf has helped her to understand the workflow of a landscape architect and helped her gain experience of designing and drawing.