Carly Lamb
MA (Hons) CMLISenior Associate
A fascination with the natural world and with design led Carly to the profession of Landscape Architecture and this has continued to grow and evolve over her professional career.
A love of travel and curiosity of the distinctiveness of place and culture, both urban and rural, she particularly enjoys the initial stages of exploration and conceptual design in a project. Weaving this research with specific requirements of the site, people and nature to develop context specific, elegant and uplifting environments is her motivation.
Carly was part of the winning team for Gardens by the Bay, Bay South. In 2009 she moved to Singapore as Site Resident Landscape Architect during the project implementation. This opportunity gave her extensive experience in managing a complex landscape led project, collaboration and landscape construction. Following completion of the Gardens by the Bay she established Grant Associates Singapore Office and led a variety of high profile projects throughout South East Asia.